Burns and Scalds

Burns and Scalds

If someone has a burn or scald:

  • The burn should be cooled as quickly as possible with cool running water for as long as possible until the pain is relieved
  • If any clothing or jewelry is attached to the skin, it should be removed while cooling the burn.
  • If you’re cooling a large burnt area, particularly in babies, children and elderly people, be aware that it may cause hypothermia.
  • Use a clean, dry dressing or non-fluffy material to cover the burn; be careful not to wrap the burn tightly, because swelling may lead to further injury.
  • Creams, lotions or sprays should not be applied to the burn.
  • For chemical burns, the person giving first aid must wear protective gloves must remove any affected clothing of the victim, and rinse the burn with cool running water for at least 20 minutes to wash out the chemical. The person giving first aid must be careful not to contaminate and injure himself with the chemical.